May 9, 2017
Plan, Prepare, Be Aware
Click link to create your family’s emergency plan now…….
May 7 to 13, 2017
Plan. Prepare. Be Aware.
Dear École Lord Tweedsmuir Parents:
Today we are wrapping up the last day of Emergency Preparedness Week (EP Week) and want to thank families for their support, interest, and follow-up at home.
This week, students practiced both a full school emergency evacuation, and an earthquake drill, and had plenty of opportunity to review and understand the why behind these routines at school.
Once again, we are relying on every family to have their own plan in place at home. In the event of an earthquake or other emergency, who will pick up your child from the school if you are away from New Westminster and cannot get back home for several days? …if phone communication is out? Or …if the person you hope will come is injured or unable? Please create a back-up plan.
Review your family’s emergency preparedness plan this weekend, and ensure that the school has current contact information for emergency pick up.
Please feel free to use this online planning guide that will walk you through the steps of creating your family’s plan:
Many thanks,
Dr. S. Cottingham, Principal
Ms. D. Ramen, Vice Principal