April 22, 2020
April 7, 2020 Letter to Families
Dear Tweedsmuir Families,
We hope that this letter finds you well. We want to let you know that we continue to be here for you during this challenging and uncertain time. The school and district will continue to send you any new information as we navigate our way through this together. You can access the latest information on our district website at www.newwestschools.ca.
It has been a very busy few weeks as we all try to figure out how to do what we do remotely. Our staff is up to the challenge and has reached out to all of our families by now. If you have not heard from your child’s teacher, please let us know. They have done their best to contact families via email and/or phone if they have not heard back from you or your child. Please reply to their emails so that they know that you have received the information. If you are getting a call from a number you do not recognize, it may be your child’s teacher reaching out to your family to connect because they did not hear back via email. Please take a moment to check your voicemail.
This week teachers have been setting up learning platforms (e.g. Google Classroom) to work from and some of you and your children have been hard at work setting everything up at home. Next week you can expect a few more tasks/assignments for your children to complete. While we do not want to overwhelm any of our families, we do want to provide appropriate learning opportunities.
As remote learning involves technology, we know that some of our families need devices for their children. If you indicated a need for a device on the district survey, you will be contacted shortly. If you did not answer the parent survey and your child requires a device please contact Debbie Ramen or myself if you have not done so already. In addition, please make sure that you have completed the new district permission form for remote learning. You should have received notification from School Cash Online. Let us know if you have not received the new form. Also, please take some time to review digital citizenship guidelines with your child.
We are beginning to schedule individual times for those parents needing to come to the school to pick up essential items only at this time. All health and safety protocols will be strictly followed and continue to be our number one priority. Please contact the school directly if you need to schedule a time to be at the site. Parents entering the building will be asked to follow the procedures listed below:
- Please enter and exit through the front door.
- A minimum distance of 2 meters will be maintained at all times between parents and staff.
- There will be no use of water fountains or washrooms while on site.
- If you are showing any symptoms of illness or have travelled in the last 14 days, please stay at home (we will arrange another time to come into the school).
If you have not already done so, please let me know if you have any childcare, food security needs or technology needs as soon as possible. If there is anything that we can do to help you or your children, please contact your child’s teacher or Debbie Ramen and I directly. We will do our best to help answer your questions and concerns. We are all in this together and together we will get through this.
Jen Richter