April 22, 2020
April 20, 2020 Letter to Families
Dear Tweedsmuir Families,
Welcome to the week of April 20th! I would like to take a moment to thank everyone in our learning community for all of the hard work and effort over the past few weeks as we navigate this new type of learning together. There have been some wonderful examples of students connecting with teachers, creative work submissions and heartfelt appreciation for all the continued efforts.
Our goal this week continues to be to use the remote learning tools effectively and to share our weekly plans (with prioritized learning tasks/projects) with you. As we continue to explore and use remote learning tools more effectively, we are trying to balance our academic learning expectations with family needs and physical/social/emotional wellness. Please continue to provide your teacher with feedback so that we can program more effectively for our students and provide support as needed.
We would like you to know that learning at home does matter. Teachers will be working together with you to ensure that our students are engaged in appropriate learning opportunities and teachers will be continuing with assessment and evaluation. They will be determining a final grade for children based on work completed to date and the assessment of learning that will occur while in-class instruction is suspended and learning continues remotely. There will be a focus on key literacy and numeracy skills. Students are expected to continue their learning and to demonstrate that they know and understand the learning standards introduced. However, we do know that students may not be able to perform their tasks as effectively at home. Please let us know if you are experiencing challenges with this and we will be happy to problem solve together. Parents can expect to receive a report card for June but should not hesitate to reach out to their child’s teacher at any time for feedback.
As we continue to support one another in this community our childcare and learning centres, our food supports and technology loans are all in place. Please know that even if you had not previously indicated a need, you are more than welcome to reach out at anytime if your find that your circumstances have changed.
We continue to look forward to working together with you. If you have any questions, please reach out and we will do our best to help you. We are all in this together.
Be well,
Jen Richter