May 4, 2020
April 27, 2020 Letter to Families
Dear Tweedsmuir Families,
It is hard to believe that we are in the last week of April and are moving into Week 5 of
remote learning! Your feedback continues to be extremely helpful and is very much
appreciated. I would encourage you to continue to reach out to your classroom teachers
and our School Based Team members (learning support teachers, ELL teachers, counsellors, child and youth care worker, Debbie Ramen and myself) with any thoughts and questions you may have as we move into Phase 3 – Developing Remote Learning.
We would like to take a moment to share a video created by the District to highlight digital citizenship and the appropriate use of Teams and Google. It is very important that we are regularly reviewing expectations for remote learning. For students in grade 4 and 5, it is appropriate for parents and guardians to view the video with their children and review the key concepts. Teachers will be reviewing these concepts with their classes as well.
We continue to want to support the health and well-being of our students and families. In addition to following the recommendations from the Public Health Officer regarding our physical safety, we also recognize that it is important to focus on social and emotional wellbeing. During this time, some suggestions to support all children (from the Mental WellBeing Information and Resources put out by the BC Ministry of Education) include the following:
• Establish routines to help create a sense of predictability and security
• Stay calm
• Focus on the positive
• Eat healthy meals
• Get enough sleep
• Play
• Take digital breaks
As you may be aware, Tuesday, April 28th is The National Day of Mourning. This day
provides us with an important opportunity to renew our commitment to provide effective
health and safety education to our staff and students. In addition, it allows us to recognize the sacrifices of others and show our respect for the workers who have suffered injury or illness or who have died as a result of workplace accidents or occupational hazards. To this end, if you and your family are able to observe a moment of silence together on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, it would be appreciated. Our staff will be taking time on this day of remembrance to consider what we can do to reduce our workplace risk and “work safe”.
With your ongoing support, we will continue this learning journey together. We miss you!
Jen Richter