The Phoning Program at École Lord Tweedsmuir Elementary School is designed to ensure the safe arrival of all students.
Our team asks that all parents and guardians report a student absence, before the start of the school day. This helps us ensure that you have given permission for your child to be absent, and supports our staff in accurately tracking and following up on absences. If a student arrives late for any reason, either morning or afternoon, the office must be notified before going to the classroom so that both the office and the teacher are aware that the child has arrived.
Absences can be reported either by phone or by using our online absence report form, listed here: https://lordtweedsmuirschool.ca/report-a-student-absence/
If the office has also not received notification, the school will phone to confirm the child’s whereabouts. Thanks for being partners in helping efficiently keep track of where students are expected to be each day!